Naples, on the southwestern coast of Italy, is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, and that history is plain to see with all the medieval treasures to be found here. Visitors should walk down the Spaccanapoli, a narrow pedestrian street that slices through the historic center in a straight line like a knife. This street is home to art studios, street vendors, Neapolitan cafés, and picturesque churches, making this street perfect for a sampling of every aspect of life in Naples. Make your way to Piazza del Pebliscito to admire the Royal Palace and the impressive colonnade of the church of San Francesco di Paola, and stop by the Castel Nuovo, with its imposing towers and triumphal arch built into the main gate.

For just the price of a metro ticket, visitors can see beautiful works of art within the metro stations of Naples. Each station is uniquely designed, and the variety is amazing. Above ground, be sure to chow down on a Neapolitan pizza. Naples is the birthplace of pizza after all, so there’s no better place to enjoy one of Italy’s most famous dishes.


17 membri disponibili adesso

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Ali desidera explore the area 19 minuti fa
Foto di R
Ramon desidera alla scoperta dell'area circa un'ora fa
Foto di V
Valeed desidera explore the area meno di un minuto fa


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