Located on California’s sunny southern coast, San Diego is a city that truly has it all: perfect weather, sandy beaches, and a lively downtown. Visitors should check out Balboa Park, full of beautiful gardens, Spanish-Renaissance architecture, and home to the renowned San Diego Zoo. Then head to the Gaslamp Quarter, 16 blocks of Victorian buildings that house a large variety of restaurants, bars, shops, and art galleries.

To truly enjoy San Diego, you’ve got to head to the coast. Make your way to Mission Beach, where you’ll find surfers in the water, sunbathers on the sand, and skaters on the boardwalk. Take advantage of the unique opportunity to see what life is like on a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier aboard the USS Midway. A tour of this enormous vessel will give you access to 60 exhibits, 29 restored aircrafts, and a huge 4-acre flight deck.


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