Based around two large harbors on the coast with an awe-inspiring backdrop of dormant volcanoes and lush green hills, Auckland is one of the thriving major cities in New Zealand. Viaduct Harbor is packed with expensive yachts and lined with some great bars and cafés right on the waterfront. Visitors can get an adrenaline rush by climbing the Auckland Bridge and bungee jumping off the top, a great way to get an awesome view of the city and an extreme once-in-a-lifetime experience.

For another great photo opportunity and an worthwhile workout, hike to the summit of Mount Eden, the highest volcano in Auckland at 196 meters above sea level. More adventure awaits on beautiful Rangitoto island in the Hauraki Gulf. A 20 minute ferry ride will escort you to the island, but kayak rentals are another scenic and popular way to cross the water. You can also catch a ferry to the north shore town of Devonport, a historic village full of charming cafés, local artisan shops, and excellent views of Auckland’s skyline across the water.


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