Qué ocurre en Azores

Nuevo tema

Trail running / Hiking

Looking for hosts and other travellers in March

Quarto para alugar/Room to rent

Azores 4-6 March

17 - 23 Agosto en Sao Miguel

Travelers Gathering Wednsday 14th of June

Travelling through Sao Miguel and Flores - Tips


Somebody up for a surf?

Ponta Delgada Climbing and Adventures


Elena&Fatma looking for accomodation+friends! (1month,maybe more))

Anyone wanting to travel together in Dec/Jan

Looking for a room

Lookin for host and couchsurfers who know flores island!

Heading to the Azores San Miguel July 1st!

Two Polish sisters looking for a job!

Two Polish sisters looking for a job!

Two Polish sisters looking for a job!

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