Что происходит в Cluj

Новая тема

Untold - I have ticket to sell, can't participate :(

volunteer in a farm

Workout in the park

Apartment or room wanted


New in Cluj - Looking for Beer and Buddies (and Sports =))

French speaking

Looking for an apartment to take care of!

Traditional Music in Cluj

Go with me to Negreni fair?

Around Cluj and Maramuresz?

Long stay, exchange culture and friendship

Hangouts whenever/wherever ..!

Anyone care to borrow/rent their tent for Electric Castle ? (17-21 June)

Electric Castle 17-21 july

The 13th BIG Franconian Meeting 2019, Nuremberg

In Cluj from 6-9 of April.

Looking for a room for february

From 14 January to 14 March in Cluj-Napoca

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