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  • 10 references 5 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Portuguese, Spanish; learning Korean, Portuguese
  • 37, Female
  • Member since 2015
  • Life Long Learner
  • Bachelor's Degree
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Currently I live with my boyfriend in a studio so I would need at least a week notice so that I can prepare and coordinate with him. He has an online class so weekdays might be difficult and we can probably do 1-2 nights because its a small space.

Going wherever the wind takes me - a yogi constantly in motion. I seek random adventures and like to get to the gritty nooks and crannies of the cities and local life.

Im a collector. I used to collect things like: blue bottles, pogs, bracelets, makeup and jewelry. Now I like to collect experiences, healing modalities, perspectives, and feathers.

Friends open me up to new experiences, i.e. trying couchsurfing, going to Burningman, hitchhiking, going to rainbow gathering, solo traveling.

Wont you be my next friend to teach me something and share so I can pass on the knowledge?

I’m a particularly introverted person challenging myself to come out of my shell and bring out the playful child that lives in me. I want to keep exploring amd learning about couchsurfing. I feel thankful for this community.

Im continuing to explore my passions and what makes me thrive as I slowly stitch the pieces of my identity into a whole.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I would like to take the time to get to know the people with open hearts. I like learning from others and what makes them thrive. Being welcomed in your space is a blessing. Thank you.

I’ve had a handful of couch surfing experiences. They were all so wonderful and help me to open my mind and heart.

Couchsurfing is an outlet for me to open my heart and build connection and relationships in this world through the love of travel, service, and seeking greater meaning in life.

It showed me what it means to create an exchange of kindred spirits. It brought me to my core and gently opening up my perceptions of what it means to exchange without money but through connection. Love.


Heros: Ram Dass - Oscar Wilde - Joan Jett

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

I want to get into more connection woth nature: hiking and camping.

  • culture
  • festivals
  • yoga
  • sailing
  • road trips

Music, Movies, and Books

TLC - Mum - Lykke Li - Medicine Songs - Sublime - No Doubt - Four Non- Blonds - Mereba - Sneak - Grateful Dead - Alanis Morrisette - Beach House - Blood Brothers - Aaliyah - Tracy Chapman - Thao with the Get Down Stay Down - BTS - Twice - Jimmy Eat World - Dumbfoundead - Christofer Drew - Regina Spektor - Jewel - Priscilla Ahn - Brazillian and Indian music

Freedom Writers - Harry Potter _ The Little Prince - The Alchemist - Celestine Prophecy - The Vortex by Esther and Jerry Hicks - Thich Nhat Hanh - The Yoga of Herbs - Autobiography of a Yogi - The Art if Life - Be Here Now

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

While living in California, I took a year off to explore my passions and met inspirational people along the way. I studied yoga, went on road trips around the U.S.A., and went to Burning Man.

After that, I spent two years teaching English and exploring my roots in Seoul, South Korea. Then, I took five months to travel India in search of my connection with nature and the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Upon returning to South Korea, I spent six months volunteering in a Buddhist temple, an eco-village, and vipassana center before teaching again for another year and a half.

I then traveled through South America to learn about the plant medicines, the religions, and the people -not to mention the good food. I ended up volunteering in the jungle and made a home there. I ended up spending ten months there after initially planning three months.

Finally I returned back to U.S.A. to spend time with family in different states.

Im pursuing my love of herbalism, therefore Im currently exploring the Pacific Northwest!

Teach, Learn, Share

Change is hard.

I like to start my travels solo because it keeps challenging me to rise to the occasion of putting myself out there and creating experiences.

I value sustainability and continue to learn about it by attending events like Burningman and the rainbow gathering.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I would like to spend time getting to know about your life and how you thrive. I am also open to sharing experiences such as cooking vegan food, Korean food, or any food.

I will help clean and give back in exchange. I dont mind paying for a meal.

I also love dancing, chilling out and gardening.

Countries I’ve Visited

Brazil, China, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand

Countries I’ve Lived In

Brazil, India, Peru, South Korea, United States

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