Jess PeHawkins的照片


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  • 26 评语 18 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English
  • 35, 女
  • 成为会员的时间:2015
  • 未列出职业
  • Chattahoochee Technical College
  • 未列出家乡
  • 个人主页已完成 100%


I am a blue eyed adventurous introvert with very polite southern manners. I do not smoke or chew. I am a pretty typical Cancer and INTJ. I love to have meaningful conversations over a good meal. I enjoy meeting new friends, hiking, baking, listening to music, dancing, art, and traveling (obviously). Sorry if my profile is too long but I want you to get a sense of who I am. I'm not just looking for a free place to stay or to let you "crash" here. I'm looking to make good friends all over the world and hopefully you are one of them!

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

To see more of this amazing world and make friends. My goal is to visit all 50 states by the age of forty, I'm calling it my "#fiftyby40" journey. I would love for you to join me!


I love to travel! Seeing new places, meeting interesting people, learning about cultures and lifestyles makes me so happy.
I love anything artsy (especially Ballet and other forms of dance).
I enjoy baking and eating pies, brownies and other desserts.
When the weather is nice I enjoy being outside. Being active or just chilling at a patio bar listening to live music.


My choice of tunes is constantly evolving. Right now the top listened to on my Spotify account are; The Dirty Heads, Judah & the Lion, George Ezra, Red jumpsuit, Front country, the mama's and the papa's and James Bay.

I enjoy action movies or classic Audrey Hepburn films.

I like mysteries, sci-fi books and any Dan Brown book.


Spent Christmas Day on a beach in Hawaii
Survived being raised in a very large family
Volunteered at a homeless shelter in South Africa
Saw the Crown Jewels in London
Also I have been skydiving and it was amazing!


I would love to learn more about how to recycle and live a sustainable life style.
I can teach you a little about baking desserts, how to sew a button back on to your shirt or give you a Ballet lesson.


A good meal, travel stories, conversations, and hopefully a good laugh!
I was taught to leave the space better then I found it so I will always clean up after myself. I just will not be able to vacuum. I think I'm cursed, every vacuum I touch ends up breaking. lol its an issue.


Bahamas, Canada, Dominican Republic, England, India, South Africa, United States


United States

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