Anna Persson的照片


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  • 59 评语 41 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English; 正在学习 Swedish
  • 31, 女
  • 成为会员的时间:2012
  • Freelance creative - wearer of many hats!
  • Learning as I go, baby!
  • 来自Perth, Western Australia, Australia
  • 个人主页已完成 100%


Hi, I'm Anna!

Currently, I am traveling and working remotely and will be in the following places.

Perth, Western Australia - until May 15th
Hanoi, Vietnam - until early June

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

I want a free place to stay and to steal all your food...just kidding. Unless...

I've been on couchsurfing for almost 10 years! 10 years! When I first started, I was 20 years old and backpacking around Europe. Doing the classic Australian "10 month-long backpacking trip". I was struggling with deeply connecting with people in hostels and discovered couchsurfing. Cue: my life completely changing from that point out!

Couchsurfing has taught me SO much. About trusting people, hospitality, respect, friendship, and authenticity. I've honestly met some truly lovely lifelong pals from couchsurfing and am so grateful I started couchsurfing in my early 20s!


I love a lot of things and am a pretty busy person with all of my interests and hobbies!

I journal and write daily and teach creative writing classes. I love and hate writing.

I love being outside. I love hiking, camping, and spending time in nature. I am kept sane via walks in the forest and swims in the pool or ocean. I'm really getting into going to the sauna.

I love music! I'm currently learning guitar, banjo and drums! I played ukulele for many years but guitar is my latest love.

I'm a low-key foodie. I love cooking, especially elaborate meals, when I have the time. I've been vegan since 2013 and can swing my way around a kitchen! One of my favourite things is having wine and a yarn with a pal/s whilst cooking a meal!

  • writing
  • poetry
  • photography
  • cooking
  • yoga
  • sauna
  • reading
  • podcasts
  • music
  • live music
  • hiking
  • camping
  • swimming
  • hitchhiking
  • travel
  • art
  • films
  • nature
  • theatre
  • learning
  • improv
  • comedy
  • the ocean
  • veganism
  • walks
  • banter
  • intersectional feminism
  • shit talk
  • drinkingtea
  • learning guitar and banjo


A handful of MUSICIANS I listen to on a semi-regular basis are: Animal Collective, Sylvan Esso, The National, Big Thief, Sufjan Stevens, Khruangbin, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, AJJ, The Mountain Goats, Björk, Broken Social Scene, POGO, Alt J, Belle and Sebastian, Bonobo, Sigur Rós, Tame Impala, Father John Misty, Fleet Foxes, Amen Dunes, Haley Heynderickx, Talking Heads, Grateful Dead, Beach House, Explosions in the Sky, Why? The Tallest Man on Earth, Modest Mouse, Frightened Rabbit, Neutral Milk Hotel, Hop Along, Jens Lekman, IDLES, Duster, and SALES.

MOVIES - I'm definitely more arthouse and indie inclined, but I love a good romcom on a burnout kinda day. I go pretty hard during the film festival (last year's record was 17 films). I can't pick a favourite film but I do enjoy my David Lynch, Richard Linklater and Wes Anderson.

BOOKS - I love to read and am aiming for 32 books this year. You can check out my Goodreads, in general, I love a good fiction book but also get down for anything that makes me learn something new -


Hitchhiked 30,000km around the world and then wrote, produced and performed a play about the experience!


I'll teach and share what I have and you teach and share what you have.


A not-too-shabby vegan meal, some quality yarns, and hopefully good company! :)


Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State, Viet Nam


Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Viet Nam


  • 3 担保s

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