Zdjęcia użytkownika Haris Muda

Profil niezweryfikowany

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Przyjmuje gości

  • Ostatnie logowanie około 3 godziny temu

Aby zobaczyć pełny profil użytkownika Haris, dołącz do Couchsurfing.


  • 43 Opinie 9 Potwierdzona i pozytywna
  • Płynny w English, Indonesian, Russian; uczy się Russian
  • 28, Mężczyzna
  • Użytkownik od 2014
  • Student
  • НИ ИрГТУ Petroleum Engineering
  • Z Indonesia
  • Profil jest kompletny w 100%

O mnie

IG: @harismhrp


My name is Haris, Im 18 years old. I was born in Indonesia. Now I'm living in Irkutsk, Siberia, Russia for study. I'm studying Petroleum Engineering at technical college.

I am a very positive and social person who love spending time with friends, an easy-going, open minded person, ordinary and always smile that gets along well with people. I love to traveling around the world as many countries as I can and I like to make people smile and laugh :)

Life is short, as possible as be happy and make happy, learn more, know more fun more.

Dlaczego jestem na Couchsurfing

I am so interetesd with local people, I really want to know how local people live, eat, culture and etc. it will be great that if i can live together and sharing each other.


Travelling, Swimming, build friendships, Hiking, Snorkeling,meet people from other countries,climbing mountains,expand my circle of friends worldwide, diving,volunteering, walking around

  • culture
  • walking
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • hiking
  • snorkeling
  • swimming
  • engineering
  • volunteering
  • mountains

Jedna niesamowita rzecz, którą zrobiłem(-am)

I have more than one. I will tell you the story when we meet.

Ucz innych, ucz się sam, udostępniaj

Teach : I can teach you about Indonesian/Russian food, Indonesian/Russian culture, Indonesian/Russian languange and more about my beautiful country (Indonesia) or Russia.

Czym mogę się podzielić z gospodarzami

I can share my experiences, anything about my country.

Kraje, w których byłem(-am)

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Latvia, Macao, Malaysia, Mongolia, Netherlands, North Korea, Oman, Philippines, Poland, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam

Kraje, w których mieszkałem(-am)

Indonesia, Russian Federation

Aby zobaczyć pełny profil użytkownika Haris, dołącz do Couchsurfing.

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