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Photos de Naren K

Profil non vérifié

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  • 4 avis 2 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  English, Hindi, Panjabi, Punjabi; apprend  Indonesian
  • 42, Homme
  • Membre depuis 2013
  • Works at British High Commission
  • Commerce Graduate
  • Aucune ville natale indiquée
  • Profil renseigné à 95 %

À propos de moi


to enjoy life to fullest


I am an open-minded, energetic, cheerful person who enjoy life as it is and love to travel and make friends. I believe that all humans are born the same regardless of skin color, age, religion, nationality, ethnicity or whatsoever.

I am easy to talk and adjust in any culture and atmosphere. I have always found it interesting to discuss various topics with people from different regions, background and culture as I learn something new from each discussion. I just like talking with just about anyone and I m good listener as well.


live n let live

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing


I came to know about Couchsurfing when I was in Indonesia.


Met and made many friends around the world

Centres d'intérêt

Talking; walking; seeing new places; making new friends. travelling, going on road trips, gym.

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

I luv to see Hindi movies and listen to punjabi music.

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

Solo road trip Delhi - Kathmandu - Delhi on my motorbike

Enseignez, apprenez, partagez

Teach - How to be a good listener.
Learn - How to catch people who lie.
Share - my experiences.

Pays que j'ai visités

Austria, Cambodia, England, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Scotland, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Viet Nam, Wales

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

India, Indonesia

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