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  • 59 references 49 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Hindi, Panjabi, Punjabi; learning Bulgarian, Sanskrit (Saṁskṛta), Sign Language - Italian
  • 55, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • Director estate agent
  • Teesside university england
  • From Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I am foolish, 20 march 22 at 5.55am, i meditated on this for 2 hours, i concluded - I am. words spoken- you are foolish, but the feeling i felt -was, i love you !

what are you doing for the world ??? how have we/you been useful to the people around us.

spoke to my uncle recently in 2018 ( now passed away ) , after I asked him the question has he been useful in his life . he said his life has been a waste, he was humble and maybe wise enough to say , this was my uncle/dad who was immobile and in his 80's.

it made me think, have I been useful !

into meditation, yoga and reading, and yes my daughter of 22- switches off when i start speaking about these subjects .

84 months ago i got rid of my car, as did not want to be sitting in a metal box any longer. i now try to cycle everywhere.. i am a eco-friendly estate agent. ha ha

last 10 years been sleeping on the floor or living room floor- ideally ground level , with a few duvets in between me and the floor - i see bed mattress as a kinda artificial structure , stopping the vibration from planet earth reaching you.. all the things/ people think they need. ( i also believe the bed structure is making people ill )

sleep in the garden when weather ok. and yes i like the outdoors.

I have 1 beautiful daughter that lives in Reading . ( i have to tone down my behaviour in her presence and act more like a adult )

house i try is meat and drink free. prefer a plant based diet.

like open spaces and trees.

like to be eco friendly, and walk, train or bus where can. why pollute the environment when not needed.

why is a lot of life like a business exchange, what I can take or what you can give !! it is nice to give without wanting or needing anything in return . Love and beauty have we all forgot these 2 words ....

xmas is a time where people make the effort to be happy. i find it easier to be depressed. ( i dress up as bee sometimes , which i find good therapy to my mind ) the children and grandparents love it, all the people in between think i am a bit strange !!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

believe in universal manhood, to break down world barriers.

also found it fun- connecting with people from round the world. my sense of humour is very sarcastic -English- so apologies in advance if I offend ( actually thinking about it- I am not sorry for my sense of humour ) life is too short !!!

try to go church 3 times a week, then to the quaker meetings. i connect with people's energy .


walking ,reading, meditation and yoga issues on climate change, and looking after planet earth which is our home

  • beauty
  • environment
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • walking
  • reading
  • volunteering
  • people
  • love
  • sun
  • rain
  • trees
  • wind
  • farming organic
  • vedic philosophy
  • arya samaj
  • about nothing

Music, Movies, and Books

rig veda, anything deep and with meaning. old indian music from sixties and seventies.

indian and uk classical music, but all music has a time and place

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

having a nervous breakdown !! leave it to other people to judge, but living in india -alone for 3 months , changed my whole perspective to life ! i came back a different person....

Teach, Learn, Share

meditation, yoga and vedic philosophy. i known a lot about nothing, which is always a good start... been to italy few times to Milan , and did a few classes to Italians to teach them meditation and yoga, 2 classes to adults and one to children. also a class in chambery -france surrounded by the French alps in someone's apartment - living rooms are the best location....

the children are our future ..

What I Can Share with Hosts

india, meditation yoga , and plant based diet .

that we all are the same apart from about 15% variables,

last 10 years the family I have lived with on a long term basis i.e more than 2 months, and some for more than a year- at a time, is a Bulgarian, Finnish, German, Turkish, Romanian, Slovakian, Czech, Iranian, Indian, proper English people ( as I am not ) and a American . as well as saving me a fortune in airline tickets, i studied them all carefully- I am very glad we are not all the same- how boring. my conclusion, do not take yourselves too seriously...its not worth it !

laugh more and it is okay to cry sometimes ...male ego- I am trying to be more free

Countries I’ve Visited

Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Thailand, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

England, India

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