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  • 100% response rate
  • Last login about 4 hours ago

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  • 89 references 78 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Chinese, English, Taiwanese; learning French, Spanish
  • 31, Female
  • Member since 2018
  • Digital nomad
  • Bachelor
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Hi there,

Lovely to e-meet you! I'm Lucy, a Taiwanese digital nomad who also happens to be a Couchsurfing host.

My hosting style is quite peculiar: I welcome Couchsurfers while roaming abroad, far from the comforts of my native land. In other words, I'm not your typical local host; I'm more of a nomadic soul. As I traverse the globe, I extend my hospitality to fellow travelers like yourself.

Given my perpetual motion, it's crucial that our travel paths intersect for me to host you. So, before sending me a hosting request, please make sure that our respective travel itineraries align. Usually, I post my travel plans below the seven postscripta at the tail end of my rather lengthy profile.

Hosting, for me, is all about swapping life tales, delving into diverse cultures, and soaking in travel anecdotes—both the good and the not-so-good. I genuinely relish connecting with individuals from every corner of the globe and revel in cultural exchanges.

Essentially, my aim here is to engage with my guests on a meaningful level. I thrive on spending quality time, often dedicating several hours a day to our interactions. The more we engage, the richer our experience becomes.

Talking of interactions and engagement, I usually receive several hangout offers from men every day on this platform. While I appreciate the enthusiasm of those wishing to meet me in person, please understand that my primary focus on Couchsurfing is hosting travelers. Unfortunately, I am unable to accommodate requests for meetups or hangouts due to my commitments and priorities. My time is dedicated to ensuring a memorable and enriching experience for my guests through meaningful interactions and cultural exchanges. Thank you for your understanding.

When it comes to hosting, I do have a few expectations. I expect my guests to:

# Share their travel escapades, including the hurdles. I typically prefer hosting guests for a span of 2 to 3 consecutive nights to allow ample room for meaningful conversations. Therefore, I always decline "one-night only" hosting requests.

# Embrace chattiness and intellectual curiosity. If you're more on the reserved side, we might not be the best match.

# Exhibit an open-minded, cheerful disposition, coupled with a dash of humor and tolerance. Respecting differing opinions is key.

# Communicate fluently in English to ensure seamless dialogue and story-sharing.

# Make the most of our time together whenever I'm free. However, if duty calls and I'm tied up with work, please feel free to explore nearby attractions independently.

If you reckon you can meet these expectations and our travel timelines align, feel free to send me a hosting request. By the way, I always provide a private room to the solo female travelers I host, ensuring their comfort and peace of mind. This being said, most of my male guests also enjoyed their own private room.

Eventually, if you’re new on this platform and you would like to be hosted (by me or by any other host), I humbly recommend you read this first:

Before concluding this rather lengthy profile, I'd like to underscore a fundamental aspect that I believe contributes to a truly memorable and meaningful Couchsurfing experience.

As a host, I firmly uphold the ethos of Couchsurfing, where travelers and hosts converge to share experiences and nurture genuine connections. While the provision of a complimentary place to stay lies at the heart of Couchsurfing, it transcends mere accommodation. That’s why I expect my guests to fully engage in the essence of Couchsurfing by partaking in authentic conversations, exchanging stories, and offering insights into their own cultural background.

So, if you're seeking an experience beyond merely a bed for the night and are eager to forge a genuine connection with your host, you'll find a warm and welcoming environment here.

Here's to wishing you not just a fantastic day, but an extraordinary week, month, year, and life in general! Let's embrace the brevity of life and venture beyond our comfort zones! Carpe diem!

Warm regards,


1st PS: A quick note: I'm not a fan of "copy-and-paste" hosting requests. I find them inconsiderate and decline about 99% of non-customized requests. Put yourself in my shoes; I receive numerous requests, and crafting a personalized request shows effort and consideration. Treat your request like a cover letter—it could significantly increase your chances of a positive response.

2nd PS: I'm definitely and overwhelmingly LGBTQIA2S+ friendly!

3rd PS: Please do not offer to host me. I'm not a Couch-surfer: I AM A HOST.

4th PS: Please do not send me any hosting request more than 1.5 months in advance; my travel itinerary is not set in stone. I'm free as a bird, and I may suddenly decide to travel to the other side of the globe without any specific reason. That's why I don't know where I'll be in 2, 3, or 4 months - in Antarctica, maybe? Who knows...

5th PS: I have nothing against last-minute hosting requests (and I already accepted dozens of them in the past), but If you send me a hosting request less than 2 days in advance while I’m abroad (i.e. not in Taiwan), I may not have enough space to host you. When I don't expect any guests, I usually book a small Airbnb - too small sometimes to host anyone. Please feel free to try your luck anyway. ;)

6th PS: I hosted many adorable girls recently; to keep it fair and balanced, I would be delighted to host a few men in a near future. If they happen to be handsome and charming, even better! ;)

7th PS: If you're planning to send me a hosting request, please kindly read the paragraphs named "One Amazing Thing I’ve Done," "Teach, Learn, Share," and "What I Can Share With Hosts". Thank you for your attention.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I'm here on Couchsurfing for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, I'm committed to aiding budget-conscious travelers by offering them complimentary accommodation.

Beyond the practicality of lodging, my overarching aim is to engage in a rich exchange of life and travel experiences. I find immense value in delving into the cultural intricacies of my guests. Interestingly, I've discovered that the more diverse our backgrounds, the more profound and rewarding the experience tends to be for both parties involved.

In essence, Couchsurfing provides me with a platform to expand my worldview, to immerse myself in unfamiliar cultures for brief yet meaningful periods, and to continuously encounter moments of surprise, intrigue, and awe.

Music, Movies, and Books

I'm a workaholic, dedicating much of my time to both work and this platform.

Honestly, I rarely find time to read books. As for movies, I tend to doze off after 5 or 10 minutes, regardless of how exciting they may be.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Selecting just one incredible moment feels like an impossible task, as life has gifted me with numerous awe-inspiring experiences. Here's a glimpse into some of the extraordinary, quirky, and heartwarming adventures I've embarked on:

1) I became a 'nomadic host' by extending hospitality to Couchsurfers around the globe, forging connections that transcend borders.

2) While in the Philippines, I stumbled upon a malnourished street kitten, whom I nursed back to health with proper nutrition, vaccinations, and a microchip before adopting her formally.

3) Embarking on an unconventional adventure, I boldly traversed numerous European countries with my feline companion, bending a few pet-related rules along the way for our mutual convenience. Please don’t snitch on me. ;) Talking of cats, if you send me a hosting request, please kindly mention that you love cats in your first message. Thank you.

4) Trusting my instincts, I've extended hospitality to Couchsurfers with no prior reviews, even taking a chance on a guest who calls himself "International Asshole". It was an unforgettable experience but, with hindsight, I wouldn't host him again.

5) I gave the opportunity to an adorable Dutch couple to sell food in a night market in Taiwan. As expected, their foreign allure led to a booming food stall.

6) While not necessarily groundbreaking, I've indulged in the liberating act of skinny-dipping on a few occasions (albeit never in Asia), a simple pleasure shared by millions worldwide.

7) I released a baby turtle into the vast expanse of the ocean, a symbolic gesture marked by a tearful farewell to my tiny companion.

8) I used a man as a "human furniture" for 8 hours in a row. It was an entertaining, fascinating and unforgettable experience. I wouldn't do it again though: IKEA furniture is more comfortable. ;)

9) I hosted two intrepid Couchsurfers on a remote, uninhabited island, embracing Spartan conditions (no electricity, or conventional comforts whatsoever).

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach? To be honest, teaching isn't my forte. Moreover, I don't know what I could possibly teach you.

Learn? Sure! I would love to know more about my guests' culture, traditions, habits, life experiences, short-term goals, long-term goals, hopes, fears, etc., etc.

Share? Definitely!!! Let's share good vibes, good laughs, jokes, Couchsurfing stories, travel adventures, etc. Sharing is caring, right?

What I Can Share with Hosts

As a dedicated host, my priority is to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay for my guests. Here's what you can expect:

# A safe, clean, and serene environment and, most of the time, a private room as well. I host Couchsurfers in quiet, non-smoking apartments with good Wi-Fi and a good location as well.

# Let's unwind and have some fun with card games or other recreational activities.

# Last but not least, let's engage in stimulating conversations!

A note for potential male guests: While I'm here to provide a welcoming space, it's important to clarify that Couchsurfing is not akin to Tinder. Please be aware that my partner usually accompanies me during hosting. If you prefer accommodations with female hosts who live alone, I encourage you to explore other hosting options.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Laos, Latvia, Luxembourg, Macao, Malaysia, Maldives, Monaco, Netherlands, Oman, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

China, Estonia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand

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