Dima Anufriev's Photo

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  • 8 references 7 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Russian; learning English, German
  • 31, Male
  • Member since 2018
  • Musician Dancer Dreamer Музыкант Художник Путешественник ...
  • Ask me - it's a strange story.
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Запросы на переночевать или вписаться не принимаю. Пишите кто вы и почему пишете именно мне. Спасибо.
Don't write me without any information who are you and why you have choose me.

Waking up
Remembering dreams
Cooking and eating
Doing bodywork, dance
Going somwhere, or staying home
Doing things*
Staying awake
Doing bodywork that is ending a day
Going to bed

*things could be - walking in some nice place, chilling, looking around and in deep, making some crazy art stuff from some trash, painting something, looking for some troubles/inspiration things, making music in a good company, dancing at nice music, e t c

рисую, крашу, ваяю, пою, танцую, гуляю, охотно джемую - играю на гитаре, бас гитаре, ударных и околоударных, варган, синты, шугейз, эксперимент, авангард, тишина и покой. 4:20, привет, кто здесь?

Feel free to write me and to ask my phone number in any messenger

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

It's amazing! It expands home to the size of a planet!

Of course people could do the same without couchsurf, without internet, just meet nice people right on the street, to make friends everywhere and the whole time... I dream about it. Unfortunately it's a fantasy, but anyway sometimes the reality miracles happen)))


if u know what i mean

I don't like words too much - they cannot explain some things, cannot transfer some thoughts and feelings.

So, let's comunicate! Let's discover new worlds, new minds and skills!



Making music, jamming, serious listening of the music, dancing, walking without a cource, but with an image of beauty, that guides me to things, that i love. Hearing how the wind moves like a huge animal through the three crowns. Making music from averything that surrounds me, like playing drums on the kitchen stuff, rly i am almost pro at this stuff)))

Discovering the world of the futurism and zaum, abstract and coubism 20th century painting, ethnic singing and things performing.

I love to walk through the forest at night, illuminating the sleepy magical plants and little animals with a gentle light)))

I love nature, I'm gazing at it, ask me.

  • insects
  • performing arts
  • architecture
  • contemporary art
  • body art
  • dancing
  • cooking
  • yoga
  • walking
  • pottery
  • bouldering
  • music
  • electronic music
  • guitar
  • drums
  • outdoor activities
  • hiking
  • nature
  • forests
  • contact improvisation
  • improvisation
  • bicycle touring
  • bicycle
  • contemporary dance
  • bass guitar
  • jamming
  • ceramics
  • analog photography
  • percussion
  • worms
  • psychedelic rock
  • psychedelic music
  • synthesizers
  • graphics
  • post-rock
  • eco-friendly
  • welding
  • mountain hiking
  • moovies
  • барабаны
  • throat singing
  • krautrock
  • музыкант
  • religious art
  • художник
  • zaum

Music, Movies, and Books


Air, The late Beatles, Blonde Redhead, Bohren und Der Club Of Gore, Bonobo, some of Can, sometimes Contemporary Noise Quintet, couple years ago The Cranberries, some Dead Can Dance, Doors, sometimes Earth, Hidden Orchestra, Jerusalem in My Heart, Suuns (and their split), John Frusciante, Jozef van Wissem, Julee Cruise, some of King Crimson,

Laurie Anderson (more like a performer), Loch Lomond, Lюk (the beautifull Ukrainian band), some time ago Mars Red Sky, Mars Volta, some Melvins, Mew, Morphine, some Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, some King Krimson,

Nick Drake, sometimes Om, some projects of Omar Rodriguez Lopez, Omar Sosa (album Calma), Pink Floyd (the early one!), some Red Fang, Red Hot Chili Peppers (the golden period), Shortparis (the crazy and brave Russian band), some Simon and Garfunkel, Tenhi, The Jezabels, some Tool, ambient parts of Vangelis, Wintergatan, some guys from Duna Jam moovement, Master musicians especially,

long versions and lives of the Dø (cuz album tracks are too commercial and short), some MGMT, some Arcade Fire, Knife, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, Dvar, some Tom Yorke, Russian amazing band Аукцыон, Russian amazing aphrodisiac band Kenako


Favourite direcors:
Jim Jarmush, Vim Venders, Alehandro-Gonzales Injaritu, Alehandro Hodorovsky, David Lynch, Gaspar Noe, Lars Von Trier, few Ingmar Bergman, Mikelangelo Antonioni, Jean-Luc Godard, Peter Grenaway, Aki Kaurismaki, Bernardo Bertoluchhi, Tery Gilliam, Wong Kar Wai, Jan Imou and a hundred more. Also thousands of mainstream and semi-mainsteream moovies)



Aldous Huxley, Carlos Castaneda, Henry Miller, John Orwell, J F Lovecraft, Jack Kerouak, Haruki and Ryu Murakami, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Ihara Saikaku, Kobo Abe, Junichiro Tanizaki (In Praise of Shadows is totaly awesome!), Herman Hesse, Franz Kafka, Mary Renault, Elizabeth Gilbert, Viktor Pelevin, etc

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

So, once i handed out a bag of cookies for strangers on some festval in my city, being high. That was an early morning, it was magnificent to see the smile on people faces, wondering, confusion, not trusting and also a thankfullnes. On the old stone bridge i met an old man, he was a person from a completely another world, from the beginning of the last sentury, wearing the cloth hat an stuff... So i adressed him, offering a free cookie. He can't hear well, so i came closer and repeated a phrase, giving him one bisquit. He stretched out his hand to take it, but suddenly, understanding what i wanted, he rejected it. "No teeth..." -said he with a quite, trembling voice.

Teach, Learn, Share

I want to learn dancing better! To control my body, to feel the wave of the moovement, etc.

I want to learn yoga rly!
I want to learn throat singing and extreme singing techniсs!

I want to improve english and german!

I want to learn acrobatics, i never done a summersault!!! (backflip)


Could teach welding lol, doing abstract metal sculptures is really awesome activity)))

Could show how to play on any instrument, except wind ones.

Could teach how to play music without knowing notes and frets, etc, how to improvise an comunicate)

Could tell alot about Russian culture, urbanistc, music, art, etc

Could do a bodypaint on you!

Could tell about separate waste and reducing and wormfarming, etc..

What I Can Share with Hosts

The synchronised soul resonance, changing it's colour, shape and size. Or it could be a bowl of hot soup, if you want =)

And a little bit of Fear and Loathing :-)

Countries I’ve Visited

Finland, Germany, India, Israel, Latvia, Nepal, Palestine, Sweden, Ukraine

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