Sheree Abram's Photo

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  • Last login about 1 year ago

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  • 22 references 19 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 67, Female
  • Member since 2011
  • Retired
  • Masters in Liberal Studies, UCF
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


To host members with common interests. Initially I accepted everyone but as the number of guests that SURFED but never HOSTED became commonplace I added my name to the Couchsurfing hosts that are now listed with Airbnb. Requests like the following were common, "I'm coming in for work and will be out early and in late and just need a place to stay." or "I couchsurf because it's cheap." Cleaning their room, washing, and airing the bed linen was my only connection to the guest. I felt like a hotel maid, not a host. If you only surf and don't host, don't ask. I don't mind cleaning the room for you if you're doing the same for someone else. Ideally members should READ Host profiles and decide if the Host is someone you'd like to meet.


I'm a 62 year old female that spent more than 10 years directing domestic and international tours for several tour companies.
I taught American History at the University level for 2 years.
I owned and operated a Fitness Gym for 10 years. Working for myself was more challenging than working for someone else. The business suffered during the recession in 2008 and 09 and closed permanently in 2010. I retired early and now enjoy projects that I can complete in 2 months or less.
Traveled around the world on Semester at Sea for one summer session and one winter semester.


1) Shopping - Don't waste your life accumulating stuff. Get in the store and get out! Souvenir shopping I take a little more seriously. I like to bring some small piece of folk art home with me from exotic places. 2) It's easier to save money than to earn it, so spend time researching major travel destinations. 3) Be present. Don't carry around the past or spend too much time focusing on the future. All you really have is now. 4) You only regret the things you didn't do.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I enjoy spending time with like minded people. I want to make things easier for young or budget travelers that desire to see the world but affordability is an issue and it's an opportunity for me to visit with seasoned travelers doing interesting things with their life.

I did couch sharing before it became couch surfing. I met Helga Unseld from Ulm, Germany 40 years ago in New Orleans. I invited her to visit me in Michigan and she came and spent 3 months with my family and I. Through the years, I visited her and her family 2/3 times. In 2010 during the SAS voyage, I invited a 20 year old student from Ghana to visit. She came for three weeks bringing her 18 year old sister with her. I knew when I discovered couchsurfing that I was a good fit.


I enjoy entertaining friends with dinner and games like, Taboo, Outburst, and Scruples. When I'm not traveling, I love swing dancing, hiking conservation areas with my dog, bicycle rides, yoga, book club, Mystery Shopping, and playing the piano. I absolutely love foreign travel and all the planning that goes into booking the trip and then actually experiencing the areas I researched.

  • dogs
  • arts
  • books
  • dancing
  • swing dancing
  • fitness
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • traveling
  • piano
  • hiking
  • business
  • history
  • tours
  • budget travel

Music, Movies, and Books

Non Fiction Book: Foundation for Inner Peace - A Course in Miracles and The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I belong to a Fiction Book Club to give myself a chance to discuss my reads. I also enjoy Time Magazines summer book suggestions. Whenever I discover a new suspense or mystery author I read everything they wrote. Jeffery Deaver's Lincoln Rhyme collection among my favorites.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I survived the train ride to Machu Pichu on the severely crippled tracks. - I went in 1996 after Red Tide caused a mud slide. The train tracks leading to Machu Pichu slid into the Urambamba River and the replacement tracks were being laid just moments before we crossed them. The workers didn't bother with the cross pieces, just the rails. It was a harrowing experience.

Teach, Learn, Share

I can share my Kundalini yoga practice, a series of 20 exercises done for 1 minute each in the same sequence. It's a great routine to move the energy around your body and as a preparation for meditation.

My home is great for travelers attending events at the University of Central Florida. I live 40 miles north and east of Disney World. Couch surfers should have access to a vehicle as public transportation is poor in Central Florida. I won't commit to more than 3 days for an initial visit.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can share my Kundalini yoga practice (see above), how to do East Coast Swing Dancing, how to teach yourself Piano, suggest travel books and/or assist in your travel planning.

Countries I’ve Visited

Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, England, Fiji, France, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

United States

Old School Badges

  • Pioneer Badge

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