Tim Gorts's Photo

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  • 24 references 6 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning Spanish
  • 47, Male
  • Member since 2012
  • Self Employed, Also started a huge volunteer group called...
  • College Graduate UT, Tony Robbins Mastery University
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


To live, love, and laugh daily and make the world a more beautiful place.


I am a dreamer, a visionary, a poet, a healer, a life long student, I can make you laugh until magic beans fly out your nose type of person and I am on a mission to spread love and happiness around the world. I am also a burner and live by the Burningman principles. I also try to leave a place better than it was so no moop will be left behind. I live to make people smile. I am happy, fun, honest, loyal, outgoing, funny, passionate, and most importantly a lover of life! I have never met a stranger and can make even the crankiest person smile really big. I love people and want to get to know everyone. I enjoy great music, swimming in the ocean, and I absolutely love to travel. I want to experience everything. I believe life is short, you should enjoy it now.


You always get back in life what you put out so I always put out love and happiness. At the end of your life the only thing you will have is your friendships and relationships so I take time to honor my friends and am always excited to make new friends.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I am hosting people in my house when ever I am in town and couch surfing the world when I am not. If your in Dallas, you definately want to get in contact with me because you will have a blast!


I have friends that rave about couchsurfing so I am jumping in and trying it out. I love to travel, I am happy to host, and look forward to meeting amazing people.


Dancing, art, music, peak performance, self help, boating, night life, painting, doing FREE HUGS campaigns. I also run a huge volunteer site in Dallas, Texas and we do amazing events to inspire people. We have huge parties for kids with dissabilities, provide food and shelter for homeless people, we even check 500 people into Hyatt every christmas, and several times a year we take kids with life threatening diseases and we take them up in private jets and let them fly the planes just to inspire them and show them anything is possible.

Music, Movies, and Books

I love comedies and movies with a message that inspire people like The Secret, Pay it Forward, and What The Bleep. I also love documentaries. Tony Robbins, Motivational books. I am a huge music lover and have over 5000 songs in my computer. I have everything from Frank Sinatra to the Beastie Boys. I listen to absolutely everything!

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I have led thousands of people and done firewalks with them to help concor their fears as a certified firewalk instructor.
I have been face to face with 16 foot sharks in the ocean.
I have been stranded at sea 3 times and had to be rescued by the coast guard.
Wow... do I have some stories to tell!
I have live an absolutely amazing life and am ready to experience more.

Teach, Learn, Share

I have been a personal coach, firewalking instructor, taught a course called emotional mastery, and help people with confidence building. I am also excellent in business and love to mentor people on how to start there own company or coach them on how to market an idea they have. I am a skilled teacher but also a life long humble student as well.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I am very generous and like to do fun things with the people who host me. I will share food, drinks, and cover costs to do fun things. I always have cash for amazing adventures!

Countries I’ve Visited

Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, United States, Virgin Islands, U.S.

Countries I’ve Lived In

United States

Old School Badges

  • 2 Vouches

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