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  • 346 评语 237 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, Yue (Cantonese); 正在学习 Chinese, French, Portuguese, Swedish
  • 39, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2005
  • engineer
  • Bachelors
  • 来自Hong Kong and the suburbs of Toronto
  • 个人主页已完成 90%



To have a mission!


At first glance, I may come off as a shy guy who doesn't talk much, but that's because I like to listen before saying something. I moved with my family from Hong Kong to the suburbs of Toronto because of 1997 (bonus points if you know what 1997 means). I enjoy conversations that end up on a totally different topic from the starting one. I am a very curious person, soaking up all sorts of knowledge, useful or not. I tend to eat slower than others because I like to savour my food. If you can't finish your food, I just might, because I hate waste, and I have the kind of appetite that keeps going and going and...


"Screw it." That's my philosophy. It is a highly versatile phrase, usable in many situations. It's taken me to great places I'd otherwise not go. It's also caused me a great deal of trouble that I wouldn't get into if I followed some other philosophy. Fortunately it hasn't killed me...yet.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


I've met people at CS events at a lot of the places I've travelled. While I'm in Hong Kong I show visitors some of the less well-known but awesome bits of my city. Sometimes they show me bits of my city that I don't know about!


People who join CS are generally the kind that want to know fellow travellers a little better. If I can learn something that I know I wouldn't learn otherwise, then it's a good experience. Also, I really enjoy it when I make a connection where I least expect it.

To illustrate my point, I have a story from when I was in Denmark: I was watching The Shining with my first host Lars (from Hospitality Club), and I said that Jack Nicholson looked like Stewie. I didn't even say Griffin, and he knew I was talking about Family Guy. That's when I realize how far-reaching American TV is.


Trying different cuisines, reading anything and everything, figuring out connections between languages, and travelling (of course)


Infernal Affairs (of which The Departed is the Hollywood version), Die Hard (specifically 1 and 4), Mr & Mrs Smith, Independence Day, Men in Black (1 and 2), Office Space, Dogma, Field of Dreams, LA Confidential, Shaun of the Dead, Casablanca, Eurotrip, 12 Angry Men, Slumdog Millionaire, Fight Club, Breakfast Club, Midnight in Paris, Hugo, Back to the Future, Terminator, Inside Out, Home Alone (1 and 2), and other sappy Christmas movies

A lot of times the songs that I like are ones that I associate with good memories. It could be from a movie, or a really good party, or even a dinner at a restaurant. Hence my love of 90s Cantopop. I'm slowly discovering some of the older music, like the Beatles and Frank Sinatra. I love Christmas music, and I am the type who keeps my radio on the Christmas station as soon as they start playing Christmas music.

Books about history, Da Vinci Code (book, although the movie isn't terrible), Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, A Year in the Merde, Merde Actually, Empire, Shoeless Joe, Les Miserables (I've only read a shortened translated version, and even that was pretty good)


1. During Christmas break 2005, I went with a few friends on a trip through southern Europe, starting in Greece and working west to Portugal, with Italy and Spain in the middle. We did it with a lot less planning than we were supposed to, arranging transportation and hostels on the run. I'd give anything to re-live that trip.

2. Cycling nearly the length of Taiwan, from Taipei to Kaohsiung, in 4 days. That's my first, and so far only, mega cycling trip. Met a lot of friendly people along the way.


Very few things in the world can be considered a total waste of time. It might be downright unpleasant, bad for your health, or a 99% waste of time, but not a total waste of time. If you've just had a bad experience, you will probably find that you've gained something for your troubles if you look hard enough. And if not, at least you learn never to do it again.


Hong Kong history and cuisine, and how Hong Kong came to be this way. Some travel tips for the places I've been to.


Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Macao, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State, Viet Nam


Canada, Hong Kong, Sweden


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