Photos de Nicole Signer

Profil non vérifié

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  • 21 avis 18 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  English, German, Swiss German; apprend  Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish
  • 32, Femme
  • Membre depuis 2015
  • Leasing Consultant
  • Hospitality Business Management
  • Aucune ville natale indiquée
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi

After university, I chose to work in an upscale hotel for 2 years before dashing off backpacking around the world for 10.5 months on $30/day. Then did a teaching pit stop in China to stock up funds and learn Mandarin. After my teaching semester was over, I traveled some more and am now back in the great Northwest since October, 2017.

Who am I? I'm an outgoing person who values respect, dash of sarcasm, cleanliness, laughter, common courtesy, common sense, and punctuality. I'm honest, not afraid to voice my opinion, witty, and usually observe before jumping into action.

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

I started my RTW backpacking trip in May 2016 and learned before my travels about couchsurfing. I didn't live in at a tourist destination before my trip, so now I hope to make up for the kindness I received from other hosts by paying it forward. I've always enjoyed meeting new people. I also love learning cultures and languages. So be sure to tell me a cool tale of your home and teach me a useful word or two. Staying with a local saves a buck, but also adds much more insight than a hotel/hostel of the country.

Centres d'intérêt

I like to do a little of everything. I enjoy exploring and trying out most things at least once. Learning about other cultures is super exciting to me. Besides that, I also enjoy sports such as volleyball, soccer, dancing, etc. Though I used to enjoy a casual drink, I've given up alcohol and have never taken drugs of any kind. No alcohol and smoking allowed at my place.

  • culture
  • dancing
  • vegetarian
  • traveling
  • sports
  • languages
  • eating
  • exploring
  • talking
  • new experiences

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

The most hilarious movies for me are: "The thief and the cobbler" and "She's the man." Currently I do watch a lot of Korean, Japanese, Chinese dramas and anime (with English subs). My favorite genres are action, comedy, anime, and some romance movies.

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

I've learned a lot of languages and counting:

Fluent in: Swiss German, German and English
Studied in school: Japanese (4 years), French (5 years) and Spanish (1 year)
Studied outside of school: Chinese (1 year)
Know snippets of: Korean, Vietnamese

Out of the languages I studied, my Japanese is the best, having spent roughly 4 months in Japan. Right now I'm actively learning Chinese.

Enseignez, apprenez, partagez

I've started my round the world-budget-backpacking trip in May 2016, and be happy to share tips and experiences I've gathered around the world! You can check out my blog if you want to know where I've been and what I'm about: . I especially pay attention to prices and log my broken-down costs on my posts. My goal is an average of $30 USD per day.

Ce que j'aimerais partager avec mes hôtes

I have a lot of knowledge about various cultures I'd love to share. I won't leave behind a mess and am respectful of host boundaries.

Pays que j'ai visités

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Botswana, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Vatican City State, Viet Nam

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

China, Japan, Switzerland, United States

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