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  • 55 references 30 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
  • 56, Male
  • Member since 2005
  • adventurer/opportunist Mr Flexible, filtering info & ...
  • Engineering degree Elec + Electronic
  • From Scunthorpe, England, United Kingdom
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

113+ countries in 26 yrs: Big Traveller working around the world, following a simple life : No house/TV/car/children
- I've been back in UK a couple on years , but mostly function online.
My next trip will be September 10th to Coventry for Science Festival week at Uni of Warwick
and then visit some Heritage Open Day places

A Thinker : challenging conformity to make sense of a crazy world, scientific +logical, living a SIMPLE LIFE, Interested in learning new things & genuine fun.
"Why put up with the cold get on plane, don't be afraid of the new"

An Android : StewGreen is programmed to be mostly like a human, but not to feel the need for house/TV/car/children or football or getting drunk (*that's a joke from the book Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep ?)

An Alternative Person : "Most of humanity seems crazy to me, they imprison themselves in boring lives of work/TV/work"
I believe in challenging all ideas, so I am not a green hippy. I think too many people don't challenge and so not get trapped into falling for fake dreams .

- Travel brings understanding. so we have to challenge our existing simplistic ideas of the world being black and white. It's not only much bigger than we thought but technicolor aswell. So I don't use words like "beautiful", "nice".
..We live in a bit of a false world with a lot of lying, but when we experiences things we get to understand them. I'm not a "cool guy" following the crowd no I'm a thinker. My passions are alternative thinking, honesty, skepticism, the scientific method & logic.) My system is to have a simple life. I travel to a continent, travel, work volunteer, travel etc. I worked in 150 strange jobs in more than 17 countries, but now often do internet consultant work while I travel.
I am a phenomenon, but maybe a phenomenon you don't like ?
... see or updates on


0. I PAY MY WAY : You provide the couch and I'll pay for the shopping and food etc. aswell as help you and provide the stories (but I prefer simple restaurants I'm not a millionaire so can't pay in expensive places) and travel experience teaches you about freecamping so CS actually costs me more money. i pay with jokes and help awell.
1. To understand something, you need to experience it
2. Nothing happens if you stay at home (when you travel things happen)
3. Live today - don't die before your death !
4. Honesty and truth are most important
5. Open those barriers in your mind and you will be able to do many things that you think you can´t do !
6. Positive thinking is naive, negative thinking helps us plan for problems.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I like to meetup with foreign and local CouchSurfers to talk about travel, and learn about local culture.
"CS is NOT a dating site" is an important rule . I think people who use it to meets girls are missing out A LOT. There are a lot of good people and experiences in CS and it should be a safe place for all. In life make friends first and maybe there's a tiny chance that love will come later)
(Hosts : I like to meet the locals. Yes I know your apartment is probably untidy, because in a normal busy life that the way it is ..we don't live in a movie. )

promote the cause .. organised HC meetups & managed a HC/CS apartment in Malaysia. I am quite active on CS city forums posting events that I find.
- I value truth and honesty : I believe that if I respect people then I shouldn't tell them what them want hear I should tell them the truth.
- ATTENTION : Along with CS policy I only put people I know really well down as friends. Otherwise my profile would get too big. But you can check my website and email me anytime if you any questions etc
- That's why on Facebook and Myspace other people have 1000 people down as friends and I have about 6

My CS system
- 1. First I use the forums.
- 2. Warning last minute decisions. As I can only be sure about today and tomorrow

For me meeting local people is the best thing about CS so I always first check the local forums for events and meetups.
- then I might post a general hello in the forum to make contact with people. I find that often people invite me to stay and it's a lot easier than ploughing through hundreds of profiles and sending 3 or 4 personal emails. I do do that sometimes, but I have often found that's a waste of time.
- In places liike Malaysia I find it better to stay at a downtown hostel as members usually live far out in the suburbs and cos members are usually middle class they take you to a fancy restaurant and since it’s polite to pay you end up spending far more money than a hotel. Though in place like Russia or Ukraine where budet accommodation is scarce CS hosts were great.

Last Minute planning
Experience has taught me making detailed schedules doesn't work; in real travel "things happen ", so it's best to have a flexible schedule as decision can't be made until you are on the ground. For real travel one needs an open mind.
Typically I arrive in a country and I find the first city is a hellhole so I move on earlier than expected. Then I get to the next place and instead of it being a 1 day town I find it's a 2 or 3 day town. Then I get to the next place and find there will be a festival in 2 days time so I wait. Plans are made to be broken ... Many times I find a route which looks good on paper turns out to be impractical like the town that looks so near,but is actually the other ide of a big mountain and it's much easier to change route completely and take a ferry somewhere else. I often like to stop off ast nowhere towns which usually turn out to be boring, but occasionaly lead to whole new ideas therefore throwing plans out of the window.

..And then there are the normall unpredictable disruptions : the museum is closed today so you have to wait until tomorrow, strikes, national holidays, bus is full today, the bus has broken down, freak weather... I'm a practical person not a spontaneous person, but "things happen", I don't make the decisions .. "the decisions make themselves"... Y0u might arrive in Kathmandu on Wednesday expecting to get to the Indian Embassy to appy for a visa and pick it up on Friday, but then it turns out that today is an Indian public holiday or Nepali holiday and now you can't collect the visa until Monday or Tuesday.

- In a ideal world I like to make personal CS mail contact and then tell people I am coming in 10 days time, then follow that up with an email 5 days later saying I 'm arriving on "Wednesday or Thursday etc." But when I try to do this I find that often planning 7 nights of couches takes me 2 days of computer time, and then often I can't find internet.

: to me CS and hospitality exchange is more about other things like getting to really experience the culture of a country rather than a free place to stay.


- I've done a lot of WWOOFing farms in 7 countries and workcamps etc
stayed with lots of people it lots of countries ..e.g. Japanese family to help their English. the witch doctor in S Africa.
- I also volunteered at a lot of intentional communities, but never found the right one yet


Not a consumer, but a not hippy either : simple life, meeting alternative people like myself, sunny places (but not beaches)
I`m British, but I don`t like football and beer, but neither do I believe every hippy thing (Experience has made me anti-green)
I like simple things like apples and bananas, and playing fun games. I don't like fancy things like restaurants or getting drunk. Though I do like serious talking and learning about life. I like playing volleyball or softball, but not watching sport on TV. I like playing drama games and live theatre, but not soap operas or Hollywood movies. from my CV
"I've never been a big fan of beer or drugs I'd rather play stupid games" 1. cuddles 2. Constructive fulfilling work 3. Playing games (Pictionary, Laser Tag, Squash , treasure Hunts etc) 4. Being made to "think" by alternative theatre , TV , Radio (like BBC WS) and books 5. Music and Dancing 6. Comfortable Climates 7. Playing with Computers 8. Sharing and helping people.
I am very interested in learning about culture and history.

religion : I believe good actions are more important than beliefs.

  • culture
  • books
  • festivals
  • history
  • logic
  • science
  • volunteering

Music, Movies, and Books

My life is a little like the book Walden by HD Thoreau."the greater part of what my neighbours call good I call bad" endquote
Other favorite stories include "the Emperor's new clothes" and "The Tripods", (where everyone on the entire planet is brainwashed)
other favourite authors include Last Exit to Brooklyn by Hubert Selby Jr, Graham Greene, Kurt Vonnegut, Douglas Adams, Roald Dahl, Tom Sharpe, Terry Pratchett, Paul Theroux, George Orwell, NF - Edward de Bono, Ricardo Semler, Christiana Dodwell, Lucy Irving

I like playing drama games and live theatre, but not soap operas or Hollywood movies.

I like music with energy : pumping Techno dance music and Rock and Roll. Why do people dance salsa, the tango etc why don't they go to the bedroom ?

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

1988, 92,96 - saw 100 + plays in 3 weeks Edinburgh festivals. Slept in Don Quixotes windmill, been woken by a camel standing over me , Lots of crazy jobs, had my brain scanned tested sunscreen, been US election observer, cable TV host, bar host, Santa Claus, been in a Jacky Chan Movie + others, they paid to watch football, funfair, nude model done lots of websites, been a science museum volunteer etc
been robbed 4 times, been in a coma for 10 days with malaria, stayed Cappadocia cave hotel, Turkey, hotsprings with fishes, Dead Sea hot waterfalls, sailed on a Dou in a typhoon, Hitched 1000s of kilometre walked 1000Km in Spain, climbed a really active volcano, walked on glaciers, sailed the Amazon, Panama Canal, lived in the desert, stayed in Tunisia during the revolution, walked 1500Km across Italy and through Switzerland to Germany and France.. never found love

Teach, Learn, Share

I am looking for people to chat and share time with. (I like going to festivals and exploring historical places, but I don't like bars or restaurants much, though I do like dancing to techno music)
I am interested in lateral thinking, philosophy, skeptism etc.
Travel is great cos it makes you challenge your preconceived simplistic ideas like :
1. that our own country is the best in the world ,2. "The Americans" are the root of all evil,3. After challenging the mainstream we can believe every simple hippy idea like "green" and "natural is good and artificial or "chemical" bad

What I Can Share with Hosts

Hosts instead of you going to Britain, Britain and the world comes to you, that is what hosting is about. Travel is brilliant it gives you the excitement of learning new perspectives on life. But when you host CSer it should be like you going on a trip, but without the hassle of having to get on a plane.
: You provide the couch and I'll pay for the shopping and food etc. aswell as help you and provide the stories (but I prefer simple restaurants I'm not a millionaire so can't pay in expensive places) and travel experience teaches you about freecamping so CS actually costs me more money. I also pay with jokes and help awell .. I always like lending a hand with your projects as it gives me time to see your life and culture

Countries I’ve Visited

Italy, Lithuania

Countries I’ve Lived In

Australia, Brazil, Chile, Cyprus, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Panama, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela

Old School Badges

  • 4 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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