Soo Kim's Photo

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  • 43 references 37 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Korean; learning English, German, Spanish
  • 67, Male
  • Member since 2011
  • Travel agency / 여행업
  • BA of German Literature, MBA of International Finance
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Love the people in need./ 필요한 이에게 사랑을...


I've come here in Victoria Falls on 26th, June 2006.
Since then, I am running a small travel agency and also
taking care of local children who are HIV positive in town or nearby village supplying some needed medicine, food and clothes.

For two and half years, I've run free baby care center to take care of 30 orphan kids under the name of "Corea Angels Kids Club" supplying three meals a day, reading books, checking health condition, medicating for minor disease,consulting to medical doctors to cure the kids,bathing the kids and toy supply etc. It was really sad to close this operation temporarily 'cause of financial burden for me last December 2010. I've been paying all the expenses of the club including hospital consulting fee, medicine fee for the kids, house rentals, electricity & water bills, food & groceries for everyday's three meals only with my pocket money.I'll try to reopen this club sooner or later when my financial situation improves.

However, I still take visit to 20 HIV positive kid's house once or twice a month bringing medicine, groceries and clothes. Also I visit local villages once or twice a month doing same things. Even though I am not rich, I want to share something with whom in need.I don't expect any reward or compensation for my doing but only for my pleasure. I appreciate for my wife and my kids who support me and sometime push me.

5년전 이곳 빅폴에 온 이후로 작은 여행사를 하면서, 지역사회에 조그마한 봉사를 하고 있다. 2년반 동안 30명고아들을 위한 무료탁아소를 운영하다 작년 12월부로 임시 휴업을 하였다. 아이들 병원진료비,약값, 하루 세끼 식비,집세,전기/수도세, 직원 급여 등 모든 비용을 스스로 충당하다보니 초기에는 견딜만한 비용이었으나, 인원이 점점 늘면서 부담이 과중하여 다시 재정적으로 안정될 때까지 임시로 폐원을 하여 가슴이 많이 아프지만, 시기가 올때까지 기다려야 한다. 많은 한국 젊은이들의 봉사의 혼이 서려 있던 그곳이 다시 개원할 수 있기를 노력하면서...


How to live as a human being?

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I was introduced from one of my Korean guest who stayed a week at my Guest House. I want to participate this program sharing one of my guest room when bookings are free.




travel, literature, mentoring to business etc.

  • books
  • literature
  • dining
  • running
  • clubbing
  • clothing
  • reading
  • traveling
  • business
  • medicine

Music, Movies, and Books

Any classical or modern music, movie and books

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Japan, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, United States, Venezuela, Zambia

Countries I’ve Lived In

Colombia, Panama, South Korea, Zimbabwe

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