Madison is a picturesque Wisconsin city that is one of America’s most bike-friendly, gay-friendly, environmentally friendly, and just-plain-friendly cities. With plenty of green space and the surrounding lakes Mendota and Monona, Madison has a stately, all-American look that is hard not to like. Start exploring the city by walking down State Street, a long central street at the heart of the action with some of Madison’s best bars, restaurants, and shops. Head over to Madison Memorial Union Terrace for a helping of cheese curds and a craft beer as you watch boats mill about in the lake.

In autumn, Madison is home to one of the biggest corn mazes in the United States, the Treinen Corn Maze. It features a new, highly-detailed design each year and it’s impossible not to have fun trying to find your way out. When the Wisconsin winter arrives, make your way to Tyrol Basin Ski Hill to ski, snowboard, or sip Bloody Marys and hot chocolate at The Chalet.

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  • A cada 2 quarta-feira em 6:30 PM CDT
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  • sex, mai 24 em 8:00 PM CDT
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